One Rupee Coin 1941 is old Coin. One Rupee Coin 1941 is very rare coin. One Rupee Coin 1941 is in time of social media platforms. know age George VI-One Rupee 1941 Medieval Coin Collection (1 Coins). One Rupee Coin 1941 is antique coin. One Rupee Coin 1941 is Copper Coin. George VI King Emperor one quarter anna India. one rupee silver coin. old coin Exhibition.
About of one Rupee Coin 1941
Sales Packages – 1 Coin Collection
Brand – know age
Number of Coins – 1
Time Period – Medieval
Coin Type – Rare Coin
Coin Year – 1941
Currency Type – Rs
Country of Origin – India
Mint Mark – INDIA
Region Minted – Bombay
Denominations – 1
Collection Holder – Coin Holder
Coin Shape – Round
Coin Material – Steel, Silver
Coin Condition – Very Good
Face Value – One Rupee
Dimensions of One Rupee Coin 1941
Width – 30.40 mm
Height – 30.70 mm
Weight – 11.66 grams
Related of One Rupee Coin 1941 – George VI, India-British, 1 Rupee, One Rupee, Silver, GEORGE VI KING EMPEROR.
Description of One Rupee Coin 1941
1 Rupee Coin 1941 George VI has a large photo on the front side, and the circular ‘George vi King Emperor’ is written from the side. on the back side of 1 Rupee Coin 1941, there are many flowers all around, there is a big circle in the middle, 1941 is written in English in the circle,
friends, this coin is in both golden silver color, and this coin before the independence of our country, British India India used to run in the era. which we call one rupee coin 1941 or George vi king emperor one rupees coin or British India Coin.
one rupee coin 1941 value
1 Rupee Coin 1941 Value is very high, this 1 rupee coin 1941 said to be very valuable and it comes in rare category. one rupee coin 1941 is found in very few number of people.
1 rupee coin 1941 value old coin buyer, old coin exhibition , old coin market and through online website you can sell 1 rupee coin 1941. and sitting at home, you can earn lakhs of rupees or crores of rupees today, yes friends.
if you want to sell 1 rupee coin 1941 in really then you can tell by commenting your name and which one you have at the bottom of this article and as soon as there is an offer on it, or old coin buyer see someone, then can contact you. and can give you lakhs of rupees.
(old Currnecy Value.in) does not buy or sell coins or banknotes.
official website – old currency value.in