Home Value of one rupee coin satyamev jayate 2009 Value of one rupee coin satyamev jayate 2009

Value of one rupee coin satyamev jayate 2009

Value of one rupee coin satyamev jayate 2009
Value of one rupee coin satyamev jayate 2009

Value of one rupee coin satyamev jayate 2009

one rupee coin satyamev jayate 2009 is rare coin, one rupee coin satyamev jayate 2009 is old coin. one rupee coin satyamev jayate 2009 is antique coin. one rupee coin satyamev jayate 2009 is most expensive & most valuable coin.

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About of  Value of one rupee coin satyamev jayate 2009

Type – Standard Circulation Coin

Year – 2007 to 2011

Year – 2009

Face Value – 1 Rupee

Currency – Rupee

Metal – Stainless Steel

weight – 4.8 grams

Diameter – 25 mm

Thickness – 1.47 mm

Shape – round

Edge Type – Cyrillius 

Country – India

Full Name – one rupee coin satyamev jayate 2009

Description of one rupee coin satyamev jayate 2009

one rupee coin satyamev jayate 2009 this coin has ‘Bharat India” written in Hindi at the top, and the figure of Ashoka Pillar in the middle of two lines, with the words ‘Satyamev Jayate‘ in Hindi, with 2009 written at the bottom, one rupee coin satyamev jayate 2009 is reverse sign language symbol – ‘thumbs up. A big 1‘ is written. and ‘rupya‘ is written in Hindi and ‘Rupee’ in English.

Minted at – Noida

° Noida ( India-2009)

Value of one rupee coin satyamev jayate 2009

Value of one rupee coin satyamev jayate 2009 is very high, you have been told its value differently on social media, for which you can tell by commenting below this article, whenever any demand comes, he will contact you first. and together you keep visiting this website from time to time.
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  1. Mere pass 1 ropis ka big coin 1975 to 1981 or 1 coin 1985 ka H mark coin or sabi mint coin he or 1 ropis ka notes monmohan sing or montek sing aluwalia signature not and Pratap kishor notes he me bichna chata hu contact number 7894536695

  2. Mere pas 5 ka ma vashno ji 2coin,1999ka5 ka 3coin 1ka coin,25paisa ka coin, 50ka note 786unique n.,10ka photo wala note hai,.RAJESH VERMA,JHARKHAND M.N.8092598891

  3. Mere pas ma vaishno ji ka 5 ka 2 coin,1999 la 5 ka 3coin,25 paise ka1coin,1 rupay ka 1coin,50ka not unique number 786ka hai,Rajesh Verma Jharkhand,M .n.8092598891 .thanks

  4. I have some important coins which want to sell immediately. That's why I need a original buyer for sell. Like- 1 rupee coin with like hand symbol 2009, 1 rupee coin with dot 2000,20 paise silver coin 1990, 20 paise silver coin 1984, 20 paise silver coin 1990, 5 paise silver coin 1991, 5 paise silver coin 1984, 5 paise silver coin 1974, 5 paise silver coin with Good & Work For All written 1976, 10 paise silver coin 1989, 10 paise silver coin 1989, 10 paise steel coin 1996, 2 paise silver coin 1978, 2 rupee steel coin with dot 2013, 25 paise steel coin 1997, 25 paise steel coin 2002, 50 paise steel coin with Indian map logo 1994, 5 rupee brass coin with dot 1999, 20 paise brass coin with Mahatma Gandhi logo 1869-1948, 20 paise brass coin with lotus logo 1969. 2 rupee Nepal currency coin with kisan logo, 5 cent steel coin Liberty 2002 USA currency, that's it. Am from Kolkata. My whatsapp no. 9883130675. Plz contact me soon for buy. Note- only serious & original buyer allowed. Thank you.

  5. पचास रुपये की नोट है नवम्बर 9केयू338522है2009
    का अंगुठा वाले और चार सिक्के दो

    अगुली वाला है

  6. Sar mere paas 5rs Tractorvala not 6 pis hai 5 rs ke 1992 se2014 tak unik or foto vale coin 10 Rs ke foto vale coin 2 rs ke ✌️ coin 2 rs ke cors 2 rs ke Rastriy eikta vale coin 2 rs ke foto vale coin 25 paise ka coin 50 paise ke coin. Pune Maharashtra. India
    Contact no. 7066815384.Sar mere paas 5rs Tractorvala not 6 pis hai 5 rs ke 1992 se2014 tak unik or foto vale coin 10 Rs ke foto vale coin 2 rs ke ✌️ coin 2 rs ke cors 2 rs ke Rastriy eikta vale coin 2 rs ke foto vale coin 25 paise ka coin 50 paise ke coin. Pune Maharashtra. India
    Contact no. 7066815384.Sar mere paas 5rs Tractorvala not 6 pis hai 5 rs ke 1992 se2014 tak unik or foto vale coin 10 Rs ke foto vale coin 2 rs ke ✌️ coin 2 rs ke cors 2 rs ke Rastriy eikta vale coin 2 rs ke foto vale coin 25 paise ka coin 50 paise ke coin. Pune Maharashtra. India
    Contact no. 7066815384.

  7. Mara pass old coine note bohotsare hai mai bacanacahatihu 1paise 2paise 5paise 10paise 20paise 25paise 25paise gandawala 50paise 1rupees 2rupees 5rupees mata bishnu dabi 3pees 5rupees oll varatis note 1rupes 2pees 2rupees 6pess 5rupees 6pees 10rupees nawwala black 1pees 20rupees 1pees 20rupees 7862pees 100rupes7861pes 500rupes 7861pess 10star*4pees contact no 9957922904

  8. I'm from Meghalaya, I have 5 rupess oold coins made of year 1888 left side writen MAULANA ABUl KALAMAZAD.I have also 2rupess 1945 year. If u want to buy really my coin I have many 5rupess 1,2 rupees many. I'll give u some old coins free if u buy.

  9. I'm from Meghalaya, I have 5 rupess oold coins made of year 1888 left side writen MAULANA ABUl KALAMAZAD.I have also 2rupess 1945 year. If u want to buy really my coin I have many 5rupess 1,2 many. I'll some coins free if buy my coin. Phone 8787613894

  10. Contact & whatsapp plz..

    5 pese ka old coin -1974

    1₹ ka not government of India
    Rana malhotra 1981
    🌾sika ₹1-1998-daymond
    👍. ₹1-2009-2-daymond & star
    🥀. ₹1-2012-daymond
    2₹ ka not Rana malhotra
    55N J4496
    Nakse me 🇮🇳 Sika 2₹ ka sika1995
    2₹ ka sika ➕ vala-2006-daymond
    ✌️ 2₹-2007-star
    🥀 2₹-2011-
    5₹ ka sika round side me dizain vale
    🥀 -1994,1999-dot
    5₹ ka sika-150 Anniversary of Allahabad High court-1866-2016-2

    5₹ ka sika round dizain bina ke
    🥀 -2011-star

  11. Mere pass 1 ropis ka big coin 1975 to 1981 or 1 coin 1985 ka H mark coin or bahut saare coin hai alag kuwet k aur 10 k note 5 k note 1 k note ak Paisa 3 Paisa 5 10 20 bahut saare sabi mint coin he or 1 ropis ka notes monmohan sing or montek sing aluwalia signature not and Pratap kishor notes he me bichna chata hu contact number 9625170495

  12. I have 1 Rupee Coin – 1 coin

    I want to sell this coin.

    Genuine buyers please call or WhatsApp on +91 9804439506 / +91 9875605186

    Thank You


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