Home Regular 5 Rupees 2008 coin Regular 5 Rupees 2008 coin

Regular 5 Rupees 2008 coin

Regular 5 Rupees 2008 coin
Regular 5 Rupees 2008 coin

Regular 5 Rupees 2008 coin

Regular 5 Rupees 2008 coin is rare coin. Regular 5 Rupees 2008 coin is very old coin. Regular 5 Rupees 2008 coin is antique coin. Regular 5 Rupees 2008 coin is regualr bases coin. Sell old coin.

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About of Regular 5 Rupees 2008 coin

Type – Standard Circulation Coin

Year – 2008

Face Value – 5 Rupee

Currency – Rupee

Metal – Stainless Steel

weight – 6 grams

Diameter – 23 mm

Thickness – 2.1 mm

Shape – round 

Edge Type – Security edge

Country – India

Full Name – Regular 5 Rupees 2008 coin.

Description of Regular 5 Rupees 2008 coin

Regular 5 Rupees 2008 coin you will find these coins in both golden and silver colors. and together on the coin, ‘Bharat INDIA‘ is shown above in Hindi and English. Ashoka Lion Capitol Between horizontal lines date below. ‘Satyamev Jayate‘ is written below. and ‘2008‘ is written below it, and in the back side ‘Rupaye Rupees‘ is written in both Hindi and English. Denomination above waves. and ‘5‘ is written.

Mint Mark
* Hyderabad ( India – 2008 ).

Regular 5 Rupees 2008 coin Value

Regular 5 Rupees 2008 coin Value is very high, you have been told its value differently on social media, for which you can tell by commenting below this article, whenever any demand comes, he will contact you first. and together you keep visiting this website from time to time.
old currency value.in websites does not sell any old coin and note. only share real information ) 
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  1. Hi sir
    Name Subarna Bhuinya. City-Arambagh.
    Ma West Bengal se hu.
    Mara pas (5ropa-6p)(2ropa-3p)(1ropa-2p)(25 paisa-2p)ha mere ko bechna hai .my contact number-7679012093.
    Please 🙏🥺 help me sir.

  2. Mere pass hain indian old coins and notes want to sell
    Rs5ke rs10 rs20 rs50 rs100 rs500 rs200 ke old and new notes
    Rs5ke rs10 rs1 rs2 ke old coin and note
    2paise 3paise 5paise 10paise 20paise 25paise coin

  3. Rafiq, meara pas, 1pi, g, calar, (20), 2pi, (20), 5pi, (31), 10pi, (28), 10pi, g, calar, (20), 25pi, G, vi, k, E, (4), or, (13), 50pi, m, Gandhi, (1), steel, ind, m, (2), 1/2, (3), or, (11),, (Rs, coins) 1Rs, 1Rs, c, 2Rs, c, big, 1Rs, c, 2013,(6), 2Rs, c, 2013,(4), 5Rs, c, 1999,m, mark, 2009,2010,10Rs, c15, lins, c,, 20Rs, n, 10Rs, n, 2Rs, Tiger, n, 1Rs, n,, Total, colns, 344ps, 14nots

  4. Mere pass old coin aur not hai
    Hi I am Amit from Gujarat Jamnagar city
    My contact number 7046406005,,9023280635
    Call me sir thankyou

  5. Kपुराणे नोट: पचास की २ नोट फुल की डिजाइन , बिस की पुराणी चक वली डिजाइन वली ६ नोट , दास की ऑरेंज कलर की ११ नोट, हरीण की २० की १ नोट , कले रंग की १० की २ पुराणी नोट, टॅक्टर की पाच की २५ नोट , गांधी जी की पाच की १५० नोट, नेपाल की पाच की ३ नोट , २ की पुराणी चंद ओर ग्रह की नोट ४, पुराणी १ की जहाज की १२ नोट ,
    कॉइंस : सुभाष चंद बोस १९९७ के २, देशबंधू १९९३ के २ , राष्ट्र मंडळ संसदीय संमेलन १९९१ के १ , छत्रपाती शिवाजी महाराज १९९९ के १, सेल्युलर जेल १९९७ के ३ , महाराणा प्रताप २००३ के २, नायक २००२ के ६, न्यानेश्र्वर जी १९९९ के १६, विश्व तमिळ संमेलन १९९२ + के ७ ,भारतीय रिजव्ह बँक ५ , सत्नर राष्ट्रीय परिवार १९४९ के ४ , छोटा परिवार खुशिया अपार १९९३ के १, १५० glorious years . 2003 के २,राजीव गांधी १९९० के २ , जवाहर लाल नेहरू १९८९ के ४ , भारत सरकार तकसल १९५२-२०२१ के १, महात्मा गांधीजी १८६९ के १, इंद्रागांधी के १, तीन ✨ वाले के १ , ५ के सिवल १९९३-२०२०, २ रेख के ३० , वल्लभ भाई १९९८ के ७ , इंडिया नकाशा के २० , अल्ल्ह के १ , भगवान महावीर २००१ के १, क्वीन के १ , वॉटर फॉर लाईफ वाले १९९४ के १ , शिपाई खेल १९८७ के १, माता वैष्णवी देवी ९ , पुस्तक के २, जहाज के २ , ताजमहाल के २ , मत्स्य उघोग १९८७ के १ , quarter dollar के २ , महात्मा बसेश्वर के १, कॅनडा के २००६ , तीन खांब के १, ५० पैसे के १४, ५० पैसे फुल की डिजाइन वाले ३, २५ पैसे ८ , ५० बडे पैसे के ४, in God We trust वले ३ , जग वाले ४ , भारतिय स्टेट बँक वाले १ , नमे art vale ४ , गोल्डन २५ पैसे के १ , कमल के १ ऑन सेंट के १ , बालभारती का १, गांधीजी ओर कूच नेते का १, हिरन के २, नवम इशियाई खेल के १ , ५ -१०-२० के पुराणे कॉइन्स १४ , गेंडे के ६, छोटे १० के १० . ई. कॉईंस मेरे पास है.
    ये मैं भेचना चाहता हू!
    मो: 9146261825

  6. Mere pass me bhahut sara old coin hai 🪙🪙🪙
    25 wala old coin paisa hai
    50 wala old coin paisa hai
    1 rupees wala old coin hai
    2 rupess wala old coin hai
    5 rupees wala old coin hai
    10 rupees wala old coin hai
    1 rupees wala old note hai
    2 rupess wala old note hai
    5 rupees wala old note hai
    10 rupees wala old note hai
    20 rupees wala old note hai
    50 rupees wala old note hai
    1000 rupees wala old note hai
    200 rupees wala old note hai
    500 rupees wala old note hai
    1000 rupees wala old note hai
    2000 rupees wala old note hai

    My contact number 7995975631
    Sir aap ka calling wala number dijiye mere ko me aap ke sath me bat kar na chahata hu sir

  7. Mere pass me bhahut sara old coin hai 🪙🪙🪙
    25 wala old coin paisa hai
    50 wala old coin paisa hai
    1 rupees wala old coin hai
    2 rupess wala old coin hai
    5 rupees wala old coin hai
    10 rupees wala old coin hai
    1 rupees wala old note hai
    2 rupess wala old note hai
    5 rupees wala old note hai
    10 rupees wala old note hai
    20 rupees wala old note hai
    50 rupees wala old note hai
    1000 rupees wala old note hai
    200 rupees wala old note hai
    500 rupees wala old note hai
    1000 rupees wala old note hai
    2000 rupees wala old note hai

    My contact number 7995975631
    Sir aap ka calling wala number dijiye mere ko me aap ke sath me bat kar na chahata hu sir

  8. 5rupee lehar coin 2pis
    5rupee pleatim jubeali coin2pis
    Genda 25 pysa coin 8pis
    Tractor not 3pis
    Jawharlal nahru 1rupee coin 4pis
    Rajive gandhi 1rupee coin 1pis
    Indire gandhi 50pysa coin 1pis
    Mahatma Gandhi 20pysa coin1pis
    Horse 1pysa coin 1pis
    20 pysa (ALU) coin 6pis
    10 pysa (ALU) coin 3pis
    20rupee conark chakara not 1pis
    100rupee star not (new)1pis
    I sell mi now

  9. Mere pass hai ye Coin & aur bhi old coins & old notes hai but ye bikenge kaise ? Sell kaise honge ? Kon buy krega ? Contact me . Urgent money need .please!! Contact @ 99154-00621

  10. Meea pas be ha frans ka 1 coin or 1 Rs ka note or 5 Rs coni 1996 and 1Rs coin 1997 contact me on 9009545000 , 7828815550 , 9009266664 or mera pas ya Wala 5rs wala coin be ha

  11. Sar mere paas 5rs Tractorvala not 6 pis hai 5 rs ke 1992 se2014 tak unik or foto vale coin 10 Rs ke foto vale coin 2 rs ke ✌️ coin 2 rs ke cors 2 rs ke Rastriy eikta vale coin 2 rs ke foto vale coin 25 paise ka coin 50 paise ke coin. Pune Maharashtra. India
    Contact no. 7066815384.

  12. Sir Mara pass 5rupee laher coin 2pis
    5rupee 1999(m) coin 4pis
    25 pyse genda walla coin 8pis
    Tractor not 3pis
    Jawharlal nahru 1rupee coin 4pis
    I sell mi now

  13. Sagar ki laharon wale Sikke 5 wale coin Vaishno Mata ke Panch wale coin Vaishno Mata ke 10 wale coin Shrimati Indira Gandhi ka coin aur Lotus wale 20 paise Elizabeth ke coin and George Emporium George and India wala Sikka Ekta wale Sikke and 1999 ke Panch wale Sikke

  14. Hamara pass samundar ki Lara wala coin ha5 Rupa wala,10 ka coin bhi ha 10 tilli wala 4 coin and 1coin 15 tilli wala ha 2 coin 2015,and 2coin 2018 year wala

  15. I have 2Rs .coin. 2008.2-pice.

    5 rs tractor.-1 note.1rs 15 tilli.
    5 rs lahre wala..1 pice .

    enho 3 1998. ..2pice.1991.1996.1992.1994.
    Renho..1988…3 pice

  16. Sar mere pass ₹5 rupe ke sika he sar aap mujhe WhatsApp number de sakte ho
    Sar main Gujarat se hun Milan
    Sar mere pass aur bhi sikke aur not Hain contact number mere 8780408050

  17. Sir mere pass vesano maa wala 1sikka he 25 pese wala 5 rupaye tractor wala 3 note hai aur bhi purane sikke he mera name shivnath he me Gujarat se ho kya aap is 9784483369 par contact conteks kar sakte hain WhatsApp number hai mujhe Mere purane Sikke bechne he
    mujhe paise ki jarurat hai

  18. Sir i have 7pc old coins and 1rupees note only
    1pc-5rupees regular coin of 2008
    1pc-5rupees on dadabhai naoroji of 1825-1917
    1pc-1rupees on rupye ka saba vag naya pesa of
    1pc-50paise on indira Gandhi of 1917-1984
    1pc-1rupees on H of 1985
    2pc-2rupees on Indian flag of 2000
    1pc-1rupees of 1980

    Sir iam belong in bhubaneswar odisha and I want to sell these coins so please help me. My whatapps/contact no-9348949972

  19. Mohammed Jameel
    Myrepas 1ana2ana5paise10 paise20paise 25paise50paise aise bahut sare sikke hai 1 rupya 2aur5aur kebhi sikke hai aur note bhai hai aur 10 rupya 20aur 50aur100 rupya purane note hai please contact 7676354585 I'm so Mysore Karnataka

  20. Sir marey pas hai 5 rupees ka coin aesa he i want to seller my WhatsApp number and contact number is 9797726356 I am sajad from Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir India i want to seller it

  21. Sir marey pas hai 5 rupees ka coin aesa he i want to seller my WhatsApp number and contact number is 9797726356 I am sajad from Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir India i want to seller it


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