Home 50 Paise Mahatma Gandhi Coin Mahatma Gandhi 1869 to 1948 50 Paise Coin Value

Mahatma Gandhi 1869 to 1948 50 Paise Coin Value

Mahatma Gandhi 1869 to 1948 50 Paise Coin Value
Mahatma Gandhi 1869 to 1948 50 Paise Coin Value

Mahatma Gandhi 1869 to 1948 50 Paise Coin Value

Mahatma Gandhi 1869 to 1948 50 Paise Coin Value is very old coin. Mahatma Gandhi 1869 to 1948 50 Paise Coin Value is Most Valuable & Most Expensive Coin. Mahatma Gandhi 1869 to 1948 50 Paise Coin Value is High Price.

About of Mahatma Gandhi 1869 to 1948 50 Paise Coin

Issuer Country – India

Year – 1869-1948

Currnecy – Paise 

Category – old coin

Face Value – 50 Paise (0.5 INR Rupee)

Year – 1869

Year – 1969

Composition – Nickel

Diameter – 24 mm

Thickness – 1.4 mm

Weight – 5 grams

Color :- 50 paise coin of India – Silver & Golden

50 Paise Coin Type – Circulating Commemorative coin 

Shape – Round

Edge Type – Clear

Description of Mahatma Gandhi 1869 to 1948 50 Paise Coin

50 Paise Mahatma Gandhi Coin It is very beautiful in appearance, 50 paise mahatma Gandhi coin is available in both golden and silver color. The 50 Paise Mahatma Gandhi coin has Bharat Paise written in Hindi andIndia Paise in English on the front side. what do the big Ashoka Pillar do in the middle. and 50 is written in capital letters at the bottom, and B is the minute mark at the bottom. Friends, the coin is very popular on social media, its demand is also high. 50 Paise Mahatma Gandhi coin in the back side Mahatma Gandhi is written in Hindi, andMahatma Gandhi is written in English. and 1869-1948is written below. and in the middle is a big figure of Mahatma Gandhi.

Mahatma Gandhi 1869 to 1948 50 Paise Coin Value

50 Paise Mahatma Gandhi Coin Value Different people have told its price on the media platforms, but no one knows how much it is really worth. if someone finds 50 paise in you, Mahatma Gandhi, and you want to know the price, then you will have to go to an old coin exhibition, where you can be told its exact price. you will find 50 paise mahatma Gandhi coin value on many websites online, where its different prices have been mentioned, you can go and search and see it, and you can comment below this article, and your name in the comment if you have coins with you, then you can comment if any old coin buyer sees, or if the offer comes, then we will definitely contact you.

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