1 Rupee Coin 1962

1 Rupee Coin 1962
1 Rupee Coin 1962

1 Rupee Coin 1962

1 Rupee Coin 1962 is old coin. 1 Rupee Coin 1962 is very popular. 1 Rupee Coin 1962 is Most Valuable Coin Coin. 1 Rupee Coin 1962 is very high as per viral News. old coin Exhibition.

About of 1 Rupee Coin 1962

Face Value – 1 Rupee
Year – 1962
Country – India 
Type of 1 Rupee Coin – Circulation Coin
Metal – Copper/Nickel
Design – Round
see design – not Smooth
Edgy Type of 1 Rupee Coin – Reeded
weight – 10 mm
Diameter – 28 mm
Thickness -2.3 mm
This is Indian Currency of 1 Rupee Coin 1962. 

Mint Mark of 1 Rupee Coin 1962 

Bombay, Calcutta

Description of 1 Rupee Coin 1962 

Friends, you who are seeing this coin here, 1 Rupee Coin, Look carefully at this coin of 1962, on the front post it is written Rupee in Hindi and Rupee in English, and in the middle one is written in capital letters, both siree, inside is made of wheat first and 1962 is written at the bottom. and on its back side what is called bharat in Hindi and English a big Ashoka Pillar on the Middle. 
1 Rupee 1962 Coin Price 
1 Rupee Coin 1962 can be sold in different places like Old Coin Buyer, Old Coin Market, Old Coin Exhibition on Google, many websites where Sikke are taken, are also bought from where, you can also buy from online sites. you can go and see.
Friends, if you want to get accurate and accurate information about old notes and coins like this, then you visit this website form time to time. I am giving the name of the official website below, if you have any such coin, then you can tell by commenting.
official website – old currnecy value.in


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