Home 1 rupee 1987 chote kisan coin value 1 rupee 1987 chote kisan coin value

1 rupee 1987 chote kisan coin value

1 rupee 1987 chote kisan coin value
1 rupee 1987 chote kisan coin value

1 rupee 1987 chote kisan coin value

1 rupee 1987 chote kisan coin value is very old coin. 1 rupee 1987 chote kisan coin value is most expensive. 1 rupee 1987 chote kisan coin value is most valuable coin. 1 rupee 1987 chote kisan coin value is chote kisan coin. Most Rare Coin One Rupee 1987. Rs 1 Rupee coin. Small Farmers Coin. Chote Kisan EK ka Sikka. Paid 7000Rs for 1 rupees coin of 1987 year.
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About of 1 rupee 1987 chote kisan coin 

Type – Circulating commemorative coin
Year – 1987
Face Value – 1 Rupee
Metal – Copper – Nickel
Weight – 6 grams
Diameter – 26 mm
Thickness – 1.72 mm
Shape Type – Round ( Very )
Category – old coin
Country – India
Currency – Rupee 
Full Name – 1 rupee 1987 chote kisan coin value

Description of 1 rupee 1987 chote kisan coin

1 rupee 1987 chote kisan coin value this coin rupee chhote kisan coin is available in both golden and silver color, 1 rupee chhote kisan coin with Bharat Rupee‘ Written on the front in Hindi, and ‘India rupee in English, one rupee chote kisan coin what does the Ashoka pillar do in the midst of it being very popular on social media. and ‘Satyamev Jayate is written in Hindi from ne, and at the bottom, the big 1 is written. The back side of one rupee chhote kisan 1987 has ‘chhote kisan‘ written in Hindi, and ‘Small Farmers‘ in English, and with two figures working in the field. ‘1987‘ is written below, 
Mint Marks – Hyderabad
*Hyderabad, India (1987-date)

1 rupee 1987 chote kisan coin value

1 rupee 1987 chote kisan coin value is very high, you have been told its value differently on social media, for which you can tell by commenting below this article, whenever any demand comes, he will contact you first. and together you keep visiting this website from time to time.
old currency value.in websites does not sell any old coin and note. only share real information ) 
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