Home 1 naya paisa 1964 1 naya paisa 1964

1 naya paisa 1964

1 naya paisa 1964
1 naya paisa 1964

1 naya paisa 1964

1 naya paisa 1964 is very old coin. 1 naya paisa 1964 is most valuable coin.1 naya paisa 1964 is popular coin. 1 paisa 1964 value in India – OLX. 

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Find the best 1 Paisa Coin Price ! ! Paisa Coin Sale In India. 

1 naya paisa 1964, 1 paisa 1964 value, 1 Paisa 1964, 1 naya paisa 1964 value, 1 paisa 1964 price, 1 Paisa coin 1964, 1 Paisa coin 1964 value, 1964 1 Paisa coin Value, Value of 1 Paisa coin 1964, 1 paisa 1064 coin price in India, 


About of 1 naya paisa 1964

issuer – india

period – 1950

type – standard circulation coin

value – 1 Paisa 

currency – rupee

composition – nickel brass

weight – 1.48 grams

Diameter – 16 mm

Thickness – 1.01 mm

shape – round

demonetized – yes

Edge – Smooth

Description of 1 paisa 1964 value

1 naya paisa 1964 this new paisa coin appears golden in appearance, it has one hundredth part of the rupee written on it, one paisa in the middle and one paisa at the bottom and 1964 is written at the bottom. on 1 naya paisa 1964, there is an Ashoka pillar figure in the middle, and ‘India‘ in Hindi is written on all four sides, this coin is very beautiful in appearance. and now this new paisa coin has been included in the old rare 1 naya paisa coin.

How much will an old 1 naya paisa Indian bronze coin now cost?

Ans – It purely depends on the rarity index of the coin and its condition and grade.

Generally coins are not that much value but as per the comparison of increase in value of coin to any other investment, it is not less as you can see that a paisa can normally be sold for Rs 5-100 is. This is huge in terms of the multiplier.

There are a few rare cases in price due to the security of such a coin.

condition – written as “a naya paisa“.

this coin was very rare at this time, three mints of this design were published at that time. but the coins of the three desings are of different types of metal. this combination of metal was very rare because for this reason the collector needs this coin.

The cost of these coins ranges from 40 to 50 thousand rupees. depending on the condition and grading of this coin.

Most of the original coins were already sold for between 20 and 30 thousand.

if you also want to get the value of naya paisa coin on it or their want to correct address. then you should visit your official website on time.

(Old Currency Value.in website does not sell any old coins and notes. only share real Information)

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